We zijn naar Sealife geweest, waar we prachtige vissen en andere zeebewoners zagen (vooral de piepkleine babyzeepaardjes maakten indruk). We spraken met mijn nichtje af, die in Den Haag woont, en aten lekker vis en wandelden over het strand, kortom het was een lange maar geslaagde dag!
Omdat er zondag nog een herdenkingsdienst was voor mijn oma en we daarna met de familie bij elkaar kwamen was er in het weekend weinig borduurtijd. Op vrijdagavond heb ik aan de model job gewerkt. Gisteravond heb ik het derde deel van de Halloween House SAL geborduurd, wat best een groot deel was dus ik heb het nog niet helemaal af. Ik hoop dat vanavond nog te kunnen doen voor ik naar mijn vergadering moet. Ja, het is een drukke week hier, morgen ga ik naar de Hobbysalon in Mechelen, daar verheug ik me erg op!
Our weekend was a good one, with lovely weather and we decided to make use of that, thinking this could very well be the last beautiful weather before autumn really kicks in (and judging by the view out my window it does that now, with pouring rain and falling leaves...) So we decided to spend the Saturday at sea, which is quite a ride for us, as we live at the southeast side of the country, near to Belgium and Germany... So we took the train early in the morning and about 3 hours later got to see the sea in Scheveningen!!! As said, the weather was just perfect for a day at the beach. The children searched for seashells as you can see.
We went to Sealife to see some beautiful fish and other sea creatures (especially the teeny weeny baby sea horses were impressive). We met my cousin, who lives in The Hague, and had a fun afternoon eating fish and strolling down the beach. It was a long but enjoyable day.
As at Sunday there was a memorial service for my grandmother and we had a family get together afterwards, I didn't get much stitching done over the weekend, just on Friday night I stitched on my model job. Yesterday evening I worked on the Halloween House SAL which was quite a big part this week so I haven't finished it yet. Hopefully I will get that done tonight before I have to go to a meeting. Yes, it is a busy week here, tomorrow I will visit the Hobbysalon in Mechelen (Belgium), so I'm looking forward to tomorrow!