I had sort of a summer stop at this blog, I couldn't find the inspiration to write. It was a lovely summer, not at all weather to sit at the computer. School vacation flew by, we went camping near the sea for a few weeks. Now the normal rhythm is getting back, the kids went to school for two weeks again already. I did do some stitching during summer, I even finished Cirque des Cercles on vacation! Now I like the fact that it is getting dark earlier again, and so the nights become longer, to do some crafting. I am busy with quilting again and as far as stitching goes I would like to get some UFO's finished. So there is no time to get bored!
zondag 20 september 2009
Summer stop is over!
Ik had een soort van zomerstop op deze blog, ik kon maar geen inspiratie vinden om iets te schrijven. Het was dan ook wel een heerlijke zomer, eigenlijk helemaal geen computerweer! De schoolvakantie is dan ook omgevlogen, we zijn heerlijk een paar weekjes gaan kamperen in de buurt van de zee. Nu begint alles weer een beetje in het normale ritme te komen, de kinderen zijn inmiddels alweer twee weken naar school geweest. Toch heb ik best wel het één en ander op handwerkgebied gedaan in de zomer, ik heb zelfs op vakantie mijn Cirque des Cercles af gekregen! Nu vind ik het ook weer fijn dat het vroeger donker wordt, en de avonden dus weer langer, om lekker te handwerken. Ik ben weer druk aan het quilten en wat borduren betreft wil ik eindelijk eens wat onafgemaakte dingen opnieuw opnemen. Ik verveel me dus geen moment!

I had sort of a summer stop at this blog, I couldn't find the inspiration to write. It was a lovely summer, not at all weather to sit at the computer. School vacation flew by, we went camping near the sea for a few weeks. Now the normal rhythm is getting back, the kids went to school for two weeks again already. I did do some stitching during summer, I even finished Cirque des Cercles on vacation! Now I like the fact that it is getting dark earlier again, and so the nights become longer, to do some crafting. I am busy with quilting again and as far as stitching goes I would like to get some UFO's finished. So there is no time to get bored!
I had sort of a summer stop at this blog, I couldn't find the inspiration to write. It was a lovely summer, not at all weather to sit at the computer. School vacation flew by, we went camping near the sea for a few weeks. Now the normal rhythm is getting back, the kids went to school for two weeks again already. I did do some stitching during summer, I even finished Cirque des Cercles on vacation! Now I like the fact that it is getting dark earlier again, and so the nights become longer, to do some crafting. I am busy with quilting again and as far as stitching goes I would like to get some UFO's finished. So there is no time to get bored!
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