Het feestje was leuk, er renden 7 kleine meisjes door het huis. Ze hebben gesnoept, gezongen, geverfd, gespeeld, gegeten, en gedanst tot het tijd was om weer naar huis te gaan. En de jarige job heeft genoten! Zondag doen we het nog eens over op het "grotemensenfeest".

That birthday cake wasn't really my cup of tea... what I thought would be the hardest part (covering and decorating) turned out to be the easiest, while the baking (which normally isn't that hard for me) didn't seem to work at all... First I forgot to put the sugar in (it was still in a bowl on the counter while the cake already was in the oven), and the second one turned out way to dry. So this morning I bought some safe cake mix and I baked, filled and decorated a cake. The birthday girl told me she'd like a pink cake with red hearts...
The party was fun, there were 7 little girls running around the house. They ate candy, sang, painted, played, ate, and danced until it was time to go home. And the birthday girl enjoyed it all so much! On Sunday we will celebrate again at the "grownupsparty".
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