Yesterday evening I had another quilt lesson, we learned applique with Bondaweb and blanket stitch. I think it is one of the most fun things we have learned up until now, although I didn't think that way before I learned it! In fact, I thought it was so much fun, that I already finished what I started yesterday! Next time, we are going to learn applique the traditional way, I still have to do some preparation for that, so my homework isn't finished yet.
vrijdag 8 mei 2009
Gisteravond had ik weer een quiltles en deze keer leerden we appliceren met behulp van vliesofix en festonsteek. Ik vond het één van de leukste dingen tot nu toe, hoewel ik dat van tevoren absoluut niet gedacht had. Zó leuk zelfs, dat ik nu al af heb waar ik gisteren aan begon! De volgende keer leren we traditioneel appliceren, daarvoor moet ik nog wat voorbereidingen doen, dus mijn huiswerk is nog niet af.

Yesterday evening I had another quilt lesson, we learned applique with Bondaweb and blanket stitch. I think it is one of the most fun things we have learned up until now, although I didn't think that way before I learned it! In fact, I thought it was so much fun, that I already finished what I started yesterday! Next time, we are going to learn applique the traditional way, I still have to do some preparation for that, so my homework isn't finished yet.
Yesterday evening I had another quilt lesson, we learned applique with Bondaweb and blanket stitch. I think it is one of the most fun things we have learned up until now, although I didn't think that way before I learned it! In fact, I thought it was so much fun, that I already finished what I started yesterday! Next time, we are going to learn applique the traditional way, I still have to do some preparation for that, so my homework isn't finished yet.
dinsdag 5 mei 2009
Maak kennis met het nieuwste familielid: Nijntje! (filmpje gemaakt door mijn oudste dochter)
Meet the newest member of our family: Nijntje (Miffy) (movie made by my eldest daughter)
Meet the newest member of our family: Nijntje (Miffy) (movie made by my eldest daughter)
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