Van de week kreeg ik het verzoek om een handdoek te maken, waar alleen een naam op moest komen en geen plaatje of iets dergelijks. Natuurlijk kan ik dat maken, maar het leek me nogal saai... Ik heb het op de volgende manier opgelost, ik hoop dat ze het leuk vinden!
Nog twee dagen vrij, en dan weer aan het werk. Morgen ga ik, naast de boodschappen en het huishouden, lekker nog wat handwerken en 's avonds ga ik een vriendin, die dezelfde borduurmachine als ik heeft gekocht, proberen wat uitleg te geven. Voor zondag is er slecht weer voorspeld, maar ik verveel me thuis nooit!
While writing my previous post I was in pain in the stomach region, pain that was getting worse and worse by the hour, until it almost literally took my breath away. I decided to visit my doctor on Wednesday and she told me I had two crushed ribs... probably the result of some reckless hugging by my youngest daughter last Sunday. So I have to take it slow at the moment, fortunately I got some good painkillers from my doctor, which make the pain bearable. We did have a good vacation though, yesterday we took the children to the playground and they had lots of fun.
This week I was asked if I could make a towel with only a name on it. Of course I can make that, but I thought it would be kinda dull... I decided to solve that problem like this, I hope they will like it!
Two more free days and then it is back to work again. Tomorrow, besides the groceries and housekeeping, I want to do some crafting, and in the evening I am going to show a friend, who bought the same embroidery machine as me, how to work with it. For Sunday the weather forecasts aren't that good, but I never get bored staying in!
Be careful and take it easy. My son once fell and also had a couple broken ribs. But after a while he was completely retsored. I hope you will be feeling better soon and don't need any more painkillers.