zondag 24 februari 2008

Fair & Square round 5 and another finish...

I got word from Danica that she received my squares in Round 5 of the Fair & Square exchange so here they are:
And today I did some finishing, when watching "Idols" last night I did the last stitching on it and today I finished it in a biscornu:
It is stitched with the lovely silk I received in the surprise exchange on a Silkweaver fabric which I forgot the name of... I think it was something with "clouds" in it...

5 opmerkingen:

  1. You've stitched beautiful squares! The biscornu is lovely too, what a pretty colour!

  2. LOVELY squares and that biscornu is great too!

  3. They are beautiful friendship squares and your biscornu is very pretty also.

  4. That is a lovely silk! Great projects!

  5. Hello Willeke,
    Ik heb je commentaar gezien wat mijn "Plateau de brodeuse" betreft...dank je wel!..zo ben ik hier gekomen...weet je wat? Ik woon in Luik, niet ver van Maastricht hé?
